[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]It is with great pride and excitement that we announce the inauguration of our first ever medical care unit in the Dominican Republic, called Centro Médico Especializado Tu Salud. This health center seeks to promote, protect and maintain the health and wellbeing of the Dominican people by overseeing other health conditions beyond HIV. A Tu Salud was inaugurated this past Thursday, November 13 in Santo Domingo, more specifically in Avenida de Las Américas No.60, Plaza de León.
This health center will allow us to offer health services to the most vulnerable population in Santo Domingo, including immigrants who otherwise cannot access the health care system. Tu Salud offers services in gynecology, pediatrics, psychology, cardiology and general medicine.
This medical center represents a new project for AFA that we hope to be able to replicate in other countries in order to provide quality medical services to the most vulnerable population. A Tu Salud represents the fruit of AFA’s hard work and commitment to the quality of life of Dominicans.
You can see more about the inauguration of the Specialized Medical Center Tu Salud by clicking here.