[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]We feel for those who have lost someone to COVID, and continue keeping those affected in our thoughts.


As someone who lived through the HIV and AIDS crisis in the 80s, I continue to find parallels between then and now: the rise of stigmatization, the doubts placed on science, the reluctance of some people to protect themselves from a virus and similar patterns of behavior. In that sense, I can apply some of the lessons I have learned from the response to HIV to the current pandemic: we have to open our minds and understand that taking care of ourselves also means taking care of others. Masks are to COVID-19 what condoms are for HIV.


The last 6 months, although uncertain, have allowed us to grow and explore new opportunities both as an organization as well as a team. Social distancing measures have ironically made it easier for us to connect with people all over the world, as we have been participating in virtual forums, webinars and forged alliances with new partners from diverse backgrounds such as the Opal Group Family Office, the Private Wealth Foundation and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). 


We have also been very active through social media and press, where we have been discussing our current programs and achievements, such as our current program with IOM in Colombia and the newest initiative to support Venezuelans in New York. You can read more about this in the articles included in this newsletter. 


You can watch here one of our most recent interviews and read here our latest article for our HIV Medicine Recycling Program.


Continue supporting our mission by donating here


Thank you all, as always,

Jesús Aguais[/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row]