Our Access to Treatment Program is designed to provide free antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, treatment planning and medication resources management to people with HIV in developing countries who do not have access to healthcare coverage and treatment, as well as to cover the existing gap in the National AIDS Programs which do not offer rescue therapies or the latest generation ARV treatment.
Part of the Access to Treatment Program process includes the combined work of the treating physicians and our medical team to find the best treatment plan for every applicant. Once the case is approved, we guarantee a sustainable advanced supply of medication to guarantee continuous provision of ARVs to our beneficiaries.
To qualify for this program, applicants must certify that they meet the medical criteria for starting ARV medication according to international guidelines. However, the final decision about enrollment and beginning of ARV treatment come from case-by-case discussions between our medical team and the applicant’s treating physicians.
AID FOR AIDS can provide support to people with HIV who have already started ARV treatment and are currently in therapy but can not continue due to medication provision difficulties. They must present a medical prescription for it.
All of these conditions must be proven with copies of original lab results and/or medical or hospital reports. These results and reports must not be older than 6 months prior to the application date.
Applicants and/or treating physicians must submit the following documentation to prove their eligibility for enrollment:
Application form properly and legibly filled out.
A detailed medical history regarding the HIV status and history of previous ARV regimens and the reasons for the change.
Prescription for all the drugs requested by your treating doctor.
A copy of any official photo ID showing the name of the applicant.
Every requested therapy will be subject to an evaluation by our medical team. If we disagree with the requested treatment due to medical reasons, the case will be further discussed with their treating physician until we reach an agreement and a plan that will be the most beneficial to the applicant.
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