[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]Our Executive Director, Jesus Aguais, recently visited Cucuta to assess the current conditions of thousands of Venezuelan migrants based in or passing through the city. This is part of the initial phase of AFA’s ambitious project for 2021 to develop a Health Care Route along the migrant path taken by millions of Venezuelans currently fleeing their country.


An important outcome of the visit is the formalization of AFA’s  partnership with Fundación Venezolanos en Cúcuta (FUNVECUC), a strategic step towards increasing our presence on the Colombian-Venezuelan border and improving our response to the current crisis enveloping the region. This partnership will also be key in the development of Points of Assistance for the aforementioned route. 


During his trip, Jesus also witnessed the plight of hundreds of Venezuelans who walk thousands of miles from Venezuela all the way to Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Together with the team from FUNVECUC, AFA’s Executive Director provided nutritional assistance and support to migrants making the trip along the roads between Cucuta and Pamplona, another village further inside Colombia. 


Other important activities during the visit included a meeting with the Seguridad Nacional, to raise awareness on the Human Rights’ violations suffered by the Venezuelan migrants, especially the LGTBQ community, women and sex workers. Our staff also collaborated to dismantle a human trafficking network and rescued one of its victims, who is now a part of our team in Cucuta. 


Watch a recap of Jesus’ visit in Cucuta by clicking here 


Click here to donate and help us to continue supporting thousands of Venezuelans currently affected by the humanitarian crisis in their country. 
