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Brief overview of our history
AID FOR AIDS Peru has been in operation since 1999 and was given legal entity status in 2000. We would like to especially thank Ernesto Pimentel for offering us a physical space and the necessary support during the beginning stages of our work in Peru.
AFA started out with the Access to Treatment Program for people with HIV, and later began to develop other programs that range from education and prevention, to advocacy on behalf of people affected by HIV.
As time has passed, the institutional growth of the organization from its headquarters in New York has created departments and programs based on the needs of local communities, which has grown into a collaborative effort to reduce the impact of HIV in Peru.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_heading alignment=”left” margin_design_tab_text=””]
Programs in our AID FOR AIDS Peru office
Access to treatment program
This program donates antiretroviral medications to people with HIV. We currently provide latest generation treatment in order to support people who, for a variety of different reasons, do not have access to adequate treatment in Peru. Likewise, we have supported and continue to punctually support the Peruvian government -through the National AIDS Program- with donations of medicines that are not included in the national protocol for purchases and acquisitions, benefiting a group of users.
Education and Training
This program has developed to include a number of diverse areas such as education and training, to provide information needed by the population served. The main foundation of this program is based on life skills training. The program has worked with children, teenagers, young people, the LGBTI community, people with HIV, health providers, and the general population.
Finally, our work in education has grown to include counseling, group and individual education for people with HIV, training for friends and family in the area of antiretroviral treatment, adherence, nutrition, self-care, personal growth, workforce reinsertion, stigma and discrimination, advocacy and social change.
Also known as promotion and public defense, this department started out with the objective of identifying, building, and strengthening skills for people with HIV in order to develop and defend a unified agenda in response to the epidemic in Peru. Today, we have opened our opportunities for forming alliances with other local organizations, including communities at risk of HIV, for the ultimate goal of obtaining an AIDS-free generation.
Our key areas of focus include: collaborating with allies, political and proactive dialogue with key activists, strengthening and training in activism for social change, raising public consciousness; all of this in cooperation with organizations and groups of women, young people, and the LGBTI community.[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”20″][ultimate_heading alignment=”left”]
- AFA – ICW – HIVOS: AID FOR AIDS was a key player for the International Community of Women living with HIV in Latin America (ICW Latina) to carry out a national workshop on Empowerment and capacity building for both women with HIV and the network itself to lead change and influence public policies to include their specific needs and defend their rights at the national level.
- AID FOR AIDS – JOHNSON AND JOHNSON: AID FOR AIDS, working jointly with JOHNSON AND JOHNSON, managed to hold a workshop with the objective of gathering information regarding Access to social and health services for populations with HIV, with a focus on MSM. Barriers and enablers for the health care of this population.
- Through a project funded by AHF, AID FOR AIDS managed to link 75 people with HIV from Venezuela to the ART program of the Ministry of Health. A group of these people were given workshops on: Self-care, Adherence to Treatment, Managing emotions and Self-esteem, Generation of resources
- The MESA MIGRACIÓN Y VIH was created, integrated by state organizations (Ministry of Health, SIS, SUSALUD, Ombudsman’s Office, Migrations), International Cooperation Agencies (UNAIDS, ACCNUR, PAHO / WHO) and Civil Society organizations, including organizations integrated by Venezuelans; whose objective is to articulate actions for the benefit of the rights of migrants with HIV. One of the products of this table was the creation of the RUTA DE LA SALUD where information was provided to migrants when they arrived in Peru.
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Contact information
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Our allies
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To make a donation in Peru
Account number: 0011 0187 0100034768
Account Type: Checking
Bank: Banco BBVA
Make payments to: AID FOR AIDS Peru
RUC: 20552882599[/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]